
Marstrand Yachts

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Marstrand Yachts

Marstrand Yachts AB


Marstrand Yachts is the scandinavian dealer for Fleming Yachts, Seafaring Yachts, Sirena yachts, J/Boats, and the swedish dealer for Cormate.

Marstrand Yachts was founded in 2008 by Peter Johansson. Peter started his carreer in yachting in 1997 working for Sweden Yachts and today he has more than 20 years experience in the industry. After working for Sweden Yachts for 10 years, Peter left the company and decided to start his own business, which we today know as Marstrand Yachts, or M.Y.S.

M.Y.S. are also dealing with used boats. Regardless, if the boat you wish to buy is listed with us or not, we will help you get in contact with other brokers and/or owners.

Marstrand Yachts sees costumer relations as our top priority and always want to make sure that you as a buyer comes out as a proud owner of a yacht!



Peter Johansson

Peter is the founder of Marstrand Yachts and the one you will be in contact with during the entire process when making the decision to buy a Fleming, Sirena, J/Boat, or a used boat through Marstrand Yachts. Peter started his career back in 1997, working for Sweden Yachts and today he has more than 20 years of experience within the yacht brokerage industry. After working for Sweden Yacht for 10 years, Peter decided to leave the company and 2008 he started his own business, which we today know as Marstrand Yachts, or M.Y.S.
Email: peter.johansson@marstrandyachts.com
Phone: +46 (0)735 430 800


i februari 2025

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