
Bryggan på Nässlingen

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Bryggan på Nässlingen


Welcome to Bryggan på Nässlingen run by Hav och Mat, a family business run by Peder and Mats and their families. The entire family will feel welcome and relaxed and there is a large jetty free of charge for restaurant guests.
Open during summer for lunches and dinners, serving a varied menu with near and far inspiration.

Bryggan på Nässlingen is situated on the island of Nässlingen in Gälnan between the northern part of Ljusterö and Svartsö LAT 59.4835745 LONG 18.6703434.

Apart from the archipelago tavern, there is also a jetty café (new this year) where you can enjoy freshly baked pastries, sandwiches or why not icecream with freshly brewed coffee.

There is also a large guest harbour, cottages for rent and a 2 km exercise track löpspår. More information about the iland and how to book cottages and berths in the guest harbour can be found at www.nä

If you want to visit us, but do not have your own boat – get in touch and we will pick you up and drop you off again. If you prefer to go by public transport, you will find time tabels


i september 2024

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Phone number: 073-054 17 00

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